By Leslie K. Hughes

Maskne is the hot new skin issue on the scene, but nobody likes her. Here’s how to keep your skin free of this unwanted guest.

All sorts of new words have been added to our everyday vernacular since Coronavirus hit the scene: covid, pandemic, quarantine, lockdown, and more. Though the least important one on the list, there is another new word in our daily jargon that is a source of some serious stress and frustration: maskne.

If you haven’t fallen victim to the tragedy that is maskne, consider yourself lucky. For the rest of us, don’t worry — I’ve got some solutions. Because the last thing anyone needs right now is another stressor to add to the list. 

Why is maskne a thing?

Our skin loves to breathe. Like really loves it. That’s why some people find that piling a bunch of products on your face causes your skin to break out. The more coverage on your face, the more your pores are blocked, and thus the more angry they’ll get and cause a breakout. Similarly, when a mask is on your face, it doesn’t have room to breathe. And when it can’t breathe, your pores clog up. 

On top of that, wearing masks for long periods of time creates humidity via your breathing, and that warm, humid environment is maskne’s dream. If that’s not enough, the friction of the mask touching your skin can also irritate in the form of maskne. 

Okay, enough bad news. Read the good news below. 

photo | @hvmansouls

How to get rid of maskne

1. Change your mask every day

If you’re rocking disposable masks, then start with a fresh one every day. This limits the oil that rubs on your face throughout the day and also provides a more clean environment for your skin.

If reusable masks are your thing, then wash them every day. Use a normal detergent and either do it by hand or throw it in the washing machine.

2. Get cotton or silk masks

No one likes a fake person. Similarly, you shouldn’t like fake material on your face in the form of a synthetic fabric mask. Synthetic materials are more difficult for our skin to welcome, and often irritate. Sticking to soft fabrics such as cotton and silk will help keep your maskne in check.

(We love this mask from Reformation that is great for guys and girls.)

3. Skip the makeup

Since masks hinder your skin’s ability to breathe enough on their own, there’s no need to add fuel to the fire and throw makeup on top. People aren’t going to see under your mask anyway, so save yourself the time and the product and keep it natural for now. Your skin will thank you for this break.

4. Use a gentle cleanser

You may think that a maskne breakout necessitates pulling out all the stops and going crazy with cleansers, scrubs, face masks, toners, and more. However, doing that can tear down your skin’s protective barrier, and that is not something you want. 

So keep your cleansing products to a minimum and opt for a gentle cleanser that will keep skin irritation at bay. (I love this drugstore cleanser from CeraVe.)

5. Use a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid

Key to keeping your skin happy in mask season is moisturizing with hyaluronic acid. This substance actually occurs naturally in the body, but with the magic it works, we could always use more. Hyaluronic acid (HA) attracts moisture and helps your cells retain that moisture to keep your skin hydrated. In fact, 1 gram of HA can hold up to 6 liters of water. )Your skin, she so thirsty.)

6. Check your hormones

You may be blaming your mask for something that is really the fault of your hormones. We are talking hormonal acne. This type of acne is the one that graces your chin and jawline area because, as it turns out, there are a lot of oil glands in this part of your face. Add to that the fact that excess hormones stimulate your face’s oil glands, and you’ve got a recipe for acne. 

7. Get a designated workout mask

Since working out with a mask on is the new norm, it’s time to adjust your mask collection to fit different situations. Rather than use the same mask you don to go to the store, get yourself a workout-specific mask that serves the sole purpose of protecting you when you’re getting sweaty. The best mask for exercising is breathable and won’t get wet when you sweat. (My favorite is this Sportsmask from Under Armour.)

Since sweating in your mask is inevitable while working out, have a clean mask ready to put on post-workout so your skin isn’t marinating in that sweat until you get home. And once you are home, cleanse your face immediately. Also, washing your workout masks is a non-negotiable, every time. Repeat use of that sweaty mask is just asking for maskne to strike.
